Christina’s Love & Care Homes #3

2820 76th Ave
Oakland, CA 94605

Monthly Rent: $700 to $1600

Vacancy: 2 vacancies as of 8/20/2021

Housing Information

Number of Beds in House: 2
Number of Rooms in House: 3
Types of Rooms: Shared Rooms
Operator/On-Site Staff Availability: Operator or staff lives on-site
Priority Tenant Population: Co-Ed, Transitional Age Youth (18-24), Justice-involved, LGBTQ+


Meals Served: 1
Meals Self-Served: 0
Bed Linens Provided: Yes
Toiletries Provided: Limited
Laundry: Laundry available onsite
Additional Amenities: Internet, House Telephone, Cable ready TV
Pets: Yes

Accessibility and Convenience

Distance to Nearest Bus Stop: 2 blocks
Bus Stop Location: MacArthur
Distance to Nearest Convenience Store: across the street
Housing Access/Walkability: Hills or stairs required to access house

Additional Details/Description

The operator of this independent living also operates: Christina's Love & Care Homes #4, Christina's Love & Care Homes #3, Independent Living Oasis #4, Independent Living Oasis #2, Independent Living Oasis #3 and Independent Living Oasis #1.

ILA Membership Information

ILA Member Since: 11-13-2018
Date of Last Peer Review: 01-27-2021
ILA Involvement:
Additional Qualifications: