Annie’s 2 Independent Living
Annie’s 2 Independent Living
7156 Viewcrest Dr
San Diego, CA 92114
Monthly Rent: $800 to $800
Vacancy: Please call for availability
Housing Information
Number of Beds in House: 11
Number of Rooms in House: 4
Types of Rooms: Shared Rooms
Operator/On-Site Staff Availability: Operator or staff lives on-site
Priority Tenant Population: Co-Ed
Meals Served: 3
Meals Self-Served: 0
Bed Linens Provided: Yes
Toiletries Provided: Limited
Laundry: Laundry available onsite
Additional Amenities: Internet, House Telephone, Cable ready TV
Pets: No
Accessibility and Convenience
Distance to Nearest Bus Stop: .5 mile
Bus Stop Location: Lisbon
Distance to Nearest Convenience Store: .5 mile
Housing Access/Walkability: Hills or stairs required to access house
Additional Details/Description
This home is focused on providing housing to an older adult population. Tenants can purchase mini-refrigerators for food storage in their rooms and utilize the air conditioned lounge area in the garage. Shared Rooms maximum 2 people per room. Mixed Sharing Options, 2-3 people per room. Mixed Sharing Options, 4 people per room.ILA Membership Information
ILA Member Since: 07/21/2017
Date of Last Peer Review: 06/01/2022
ILA Involvement: Screening
Additional Qualifications: Operator is a social worker for San Diego Unified School District.