Required for ILA membership and offered monthly, operators learn industry best practices to manage their independent living homes including marketing, budgeting, laws and regulations, emergency and crisis management, and ILA benefits and membership. RSVP Here: Directions to SELWC: Directions-to-SELWC-08-29-2023-002-1.pdf
Friday, November 8th @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Required for ILA membership and offered monthly, operators learn industry best practices to manage their independent living homes including marketing, budgeting, laws and regulations, emergency and crisis management, and ILA benefits and membership.
Use of this search tool is governed by the ILA terms of use, including that the ILA makes no representation or guarantee regarding the accuracy of information contained in this directory. It is the user's responsibility to verify information by contacting the Independent Living Home directly. View the full list of ILA terms of use here.