ILA Member Spotlight – Anadela‘s Sweet Home I & Anadela’s Sweet Home II

Today we are spotlighting Anadela Vukov, operator of Anadela’s Sweet Home I & II. The Serbian born operator was a bookkeeper prior to coming to the United States. Before becoming an ILA operator, her altruistic nature pushed her to become a certified gerontologist. She was always passionate about helping others and was previously working with the elderly before opening up her two independent living homes.

In 2017, Anadela’s Sweet Home I became an ILA member home and she opened her second home in 2019. When asked why she had a desire to open up independent living homes, she responded, “I am passionate about helping others and seeing them improve.” She mentioned how seeing her tenants improve in a clean and safe environment has promoted their rehabilitation. Observing her tenants ability to go on to find employment or return to school increases her love for this work. She said prior to opening up her independent living homes, people had cautioned her this work was risky. Anadela followed her vision and she says with the help of the Independent Living Association she went on to face the many challenges she would encounter as an IL operator. She said that her tenants are like family to her and if any issues arise, they work as a team to find a solution. She loves the warm connections she has made with her tenants and the ILA staff since opening up her independent living homes and has not looked back since.

Anadela’s interest in becoming a member of the Independent Living Association grew after searching about it online. Through her time being with the ILA, she has been able to network with other operators and providers, market her home on the ILA website, and attend courses to further her knowledge in what it means to be a great operator. Due to her positive experiences of seeing her tenants succeed, she is very vocal about the importance o

When she is not busy as the SD ILA North County Operator of the Year 2019, she likes to spend time with her grandson watching movies and eating delicious Serbian food.f other independent livings membership into the ILA. Through that, she has been able to do what she loves best, which is providing and helping others find a clean and safe home. She hopes that the Independent Living Association will grow in member homes in other counties all across the state and hopefully the country.

For more information on Anadela’s Independent Livings visit